The Campbellās Soup Diet:
This diet features a 1,200-calorie daily meal plan for a period of 30 days. It also offers two other calorie levels including 1,600 and 2,000 depending on your size, gender and activity level. Each day includes a varying set of three meals plus snacks. Although the name of the diet would have you believe otherwise, you do not eat soup at each meal but only at lunchtime.
This diet plan advocates the use of physical activity to help increase weight loss and improve your overall health. There is a link between high blood pressure and sodium. For this reason, it is important to monitor your daily sodium intake and read the labels on the soup cans to ensure you keep your sodium level below 2,400 milligrams each day.
South Beach Diet:
Created by cardiologist Arthur Agatston, MD, the South Beach Diet restricts carbohydrates including corn, carrots, beets, pastas, rice, cereal, bread, fruit and potatoes for the first two weeks. After this initial period, these carbohydrates are still strongly discouraged. This diet also bans unhealthy fats while promoting the healthy ones.
This diet requires no calorie counting and does not limit portion sizes. You do not go hungry on this diet plan although you do not gorge on food either. The idea behind the South Beach Diet is that you eat normal portions with strategic snacking in between your meals. While you eat, you avoid certain foods that are high in sugar-rich carbs.
This diet contains three phases. The first stage, the induction phase restricts carbohydrates and does not allow for any type of alcoholic beverages. The second stage gradually reintroduces some of the foods from the banned carbohydrates list back into your diet. This phase lasts until you have reached your target weight.
The third and final stage of this diet plan is how you will eat for life. You will enjoy normal foods in normal portions with a few basic guidelines. For instance, you will continue to avoid highly processed foods that are digested too fast.
HCG Diet:
HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is a hormone produced during pregnancy. This hormone is generally used to treat infertility issues. When used as a diet aid, its use is somewhat controversial. Proponents for the HCG diet believe that this hormone helps to curb the appetite and allows the dieter to get through the day on only 500 calories.
Acai Berry Diet:
Very popular among the more health conscious population, the Acai Berry Diet is a regime based solely on fruits so there is no major health risks associated with this diet. Overall, the acai berry helps fight against inflammatory diseases, increase stamina, reduce cell damage and minimize appetite.
This diet consists of eating a proper diet while incorporating acai berries into the diet and exercising each day. Instead of eating large meals, eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day with two or three snacks in between to avoid becoming hungry. Some dieters have reported losing as much as eight pounds in two weeks while others have reported up to 30 pounds in a month.
Beverly Hills Diet:
Developed by author Judy Mazel, the Beverly Hills Diet is centered on the concept of eating the right foods at the right time. According to this diet plan, you should consume proteins with proteins, carbohydrates with carbohydrates and fruit by itself. Dieters can enjoy one open meal each day where carbohydrates and proteins are paired up. However, after this meal 80 percent of the remaining food for the day should be protein. On this diet, most people can expect to lose between 10 and 15 pounds during the first 35 days.
Dukan Diet:
This diet is based on the consumption of low carbohydrates, high protein and low fat foods. There are not too many restrictions and the dieter can eat the high protein foods at any given time of the day. The Dukan Diet works in four phases.
The attack phase, which is the difficult phase, allows the dieter to eat only specified foods. The second phase, the cruise phase helps the person to reach their target weight by combining high protein foods one day with high protein foods and vegetables the following day. The consolidation phase, phase three is designed to help the person maintain their weight, followed by the stabilization phase where the person goes back to eating normally.
Cabbage Soup Diet:
If you need to lose weight fast, the Cabbage Soup Diet can help you achieve that goal. To see immediate results you simply follow this diet for a period of one week. Most people will lose 10 pounds during this week, although the weight is not likely to stay off once the person goes back to eating normally.
This diet is very low in calories and intake is restricted to water, cabbage soup and other very low calorie foods. The benefit of this diet is there is no limit on the amount of cabbage soup that you can consume. Every time you are feeling hungry, you can enjoy a bowl of soup.
Low Fat Diet:
Beneficial to your heart, a low fat diet helps to regulate cholesterol levels in the blood. This type of diet does not eliminate all fats from your diet. A certain amount of fat is essential because they are a source of energy. Additionally, vitamins including K, E, D and A require fat for absorption into the circulatory system.
Since a low fat diet must contain some fats, it is important to ensure that the amount of fats do not exceed 30 percent of your daily calorie intake. For instance, if you are following a 2,000-calorie plan the fat cannot constitute more than 600 calories or 66.6 grams of fat each day.